Frank te Nijenhuis

PhD candidate @ ICAI Stroke Lab


I work on applications of AI and computer vision methods in stroke imaging. My main focus is on Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA), but I also work with other imaging modalities. The goal of my project is to develop tools that can be used to inform decision-making during mechanical thrombectomy.

Within the ICAI Stroke Lab I collaborate closely with my colleagues working on the application of AI methods in the different stages of the (Dutch) stroke care pathway. In addition to the Stroke Lab, I am also a member of the Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam, in the Erasmus MC.

I’m supervised by dr. Theo van Walsum, prof. dr. Danny Ruijters and dr. Sandra Cornelissen.

If you are a MSc student looking for a project (either an internship or a full thesis) don’t hesitate to contact me. I keep a list of student projects but this is by no means exhaustive, so feel free to contact me if you have an idea.